• Indian culture - salient aspects of art forms, literature and architecture from ancient to modern times.
  • Modern Indian history from about the middle of the eighteenth century until the present- significant events, personalities, issues.
  • The freedom struggle — its various stages and important contributors/ contributions from different parts of the country.
  • Post-independence consolidation and reorganization within the country.
  • History of the world will include events from 18th century such as
  • Industrial revolution, world wars, redrawing of national boundaries, colonization, decolonization, political philosophies like communism, capitalism, socialism etc.— their forms and effect on the society.
  • Salient features of Indian society, diversity of India.
  • Role of women and women’s organization, population and associated issues, poverty and developmental issues, urbanization, their problems and their remedies.
  • Effects of globalization on Indian society.
  • Social empowerment, communalism, regionalism & secularism.
  • Salient features of world’s physical geography
  • Distribution of key natural resources across the world (including south Asia and the Indian sub-continent); factors responsible for the location of primary, secondary, and tertiary sector industries in various parts of the world (including India).
  • Important geophysical phenomena such as earthquakes, tsunami, volcanic activity, cyclone etc., geographical features and their location-changes in critical geographical features (including water bodies and ice-caps) and in flora and fauna and the effects of such changes.


    • Pre-historic period.
    • Stone age.
    • Chalcolithic age.
    • Indus valley civilization (IVC).
    • Town planning.
    • Harappan society.
    • Characteristics of major centers.
    • Harappan art & architecture.
    • Decline of Harappan culture.
    • Vedic society.
    • Original home of Aryans.
    • Socio- economic characters of Vedic society
    • Vedic literature.
    • Social organization and varna system
    • Religion and thought
    • Mauryan empire.
    • Chandragupta and Bindusara.
    • Arthasastra (book by Kautilya).
    • Megasthenes.
    • Asoka and his successors.
    • Asoka's inscriptions and sites.
    • Asoka’ a Dhamma.
    • Mauryan administration, economy, society and art.
    • Decline of Mauryan empire.
    • Post-Mauryan india.
    • Arrival of Indo-Greeks, Shakas, Parthians & Kushana.
    • Satavahanas and other indigenous dynasties.
    • Schools of art: Gandhara; Mathura; Amravati.
    • Imperial Guptas.
    • Political history of Guptas
    • Gupta administration.
    • Development of art & culture
    • Age of golden age.
    • Economic conditions.
    • Urban centers in Gupta period.
    • Harshavardana.
      • Harshavardana.
      • Early life of Harsha.
      • Harsha’s administration.
      • Important officials of the empire.
      • Economy under Harsha.
      • Huen Tsang.
      • Society.
      • Religion..
    • The southern dynasties.
    • Satavahanas (230 bc to ad 225).
    • Pallavas (ad 330–796).
    • Chalukyas (ad 535–1190).
    • Pandyas of madurai (ad 590–1323).
    • Chola dynasty (ad 850– 1310).
    • Rashtrakutas (AD 753– 973).


    • Delhi sultanate.
    • Slave (Ghulam) or Mamluk dynasty.
    • Khilji dynasty.
    • Tughluq dynasty.
    • Sayyid dynasty
    • Lodi dynasty.
    • Struggle for empire in north India (Afghans, Rajputs and Mughals).
    • Mughals.
    • Mughals.
    • Humayun.
    • Jahangir.
    • Shah Jahan.
    • Aurangzeb.
    • Later Mughals.
    • Decline of Mughal Empire.
  • Sur dynasty.
  • Maratha Empire.
  • Deccan sultanate
  • Ahmednagar sultanate.
  • Bijapur sultanate.
  • Berar sultanate.
  • Golconda sultanate.
  • Bidar sultanate.


    • Music.
    • Carnatic.
    • Carnatic.
    • Approach:
      • Harshavardana.
      • Early life of Harsha.
      • Harsha’s administration.
      • Important officials of the empire.
      • Economy under Harsha.
      • Huen Tsang.
      • Society.
      • Religion..
    • Dance.
    • Classical.
    • Folk.
    • Other forms.
    • Approach.
      • Types.
      • States.
      • Features.
      • Comparison.
      • Historical importance.
      • Influence on Indian society.
    • Music.
    • Carnatic.
    • Carnatic.
    • Approach:
      • Harshavardana.
      • Early life of Harsha.
      • Harsha’s administration.
      • Important officials of the empire.
      • Economy under Harsha.
      • Huen Tsang.
      • Society.
      • Religion..
    • Puppetry.
    • Types.
    • States.
    • Features..
    • Comparison.
    • Historical importance
    • Examples.
    • Influence on Indian society.
    • Paintings.
    • Indian murals.
    • Cave paintings.
    • Buddhist.
    • Jain.
    • Miniature.
    • Pala.
    • Mughal paintings.
    • Other regional paintings.
    • Modern paintings.
    • Raja Ravi Varma.
    • Bengal paintings.
    • Comparison.
    • Sculptures.
    • Gandhara.
    • Mathura.
    • Amaravathi.
    • North Indian sculpture.
      • Mourya.
      • Gupta.
      • Features.
    • South Indian Sculpture.
      • Pallava.
      • Chera.
      • Chola.
      • Pandya.
      • Vijayanagara.
    • Pala.
    • Odisha.
    • Literature.
    • Vedic literature.
      • Persons and their works..
      • Society and economy.
      • Features.
    • Mouryan literature.
    • Gupta literature.
    • Classic Sanskrit literature.
    • Persons and their works.
    • Medieval literature
    • Sangam literature.
    • Travel Accounts.


    • Cave architecture.
    • Buddhist caves.
    • Jain caves.
    • Gupta period caves.
  • Rock cut caves.
    • Temple architecture.
    • Evolution.
    • Nagara style.
    • Dravida style
    • Vesara style.
    • Temple architecture under different kingdoms:
      • Pllava.
      • Chalukya.
      • Nayaka.
      • Chola.
      • Hoysala.
      • Vijayanagara.
    • Indo Islamic architecture.
    • Sultanate.
    • Mughal.
    • Deccan.
    • Provincial/Regional.
  • Stupas.
    • Religious philosophies.
    • Orthodox..
    • Heterodox.


  • Arrival of Europeans.
  • Later Mughals.
  • Regional powers in 18th Century.
  • Carnatic wars.
  • Battle of Plassey & Buxar.
  • Anglo-Mysore war.
  • Anglo Punjab war.
  • Socio-economic condition of people.
  • European penetration to India.
  • British conquest of India.
    • British policies & their impact:
    • Economic
    • Administrative
    • Socio-cultural.
    • Socio-cultural reform movements.
    • Brahma samaj.
    • Arya samaj.
    • Theosophical society.
    • Prarthana samaj etc.
    • Pre-1857 uprisings against British.
    • Tribal rebellions.
    • Peasant revolts.
    • Revolt of 1857.
    • Causes, leaders and nature.
    • Suppression of revolt.
    • Consequences of evolt.
    • Act of Good Governance 1858.
    • Growth of nationalism in India (1858-1905).
    • Political, economic & administrative unification of the country.
    • Role of western education.
    • Socio-religious reform movements.
    • Role of press.
    • Rediscovery of India’s past.
    • Early political movements.
    • Formation of INC.
    • Era of Moderates.
    • Growth of militant nationalism & revolutionary activities (1905-1918).
    • Swadeshi & Boycott Movement.
    • Surat split.
    • International Influence.
    • Morley – Minto Reforms.
    • Growth of communalism.
    • Beginning of mass nationalism (1919-1939).
    • Mahatma Gandhi – His ideas & leadership.
    • Montagu-Chelmsford reforms – 1909.
    • Rowlatt act.
    • Satyagrah and Jallianwala bagh massacre.
    • Non-cooperation & Khilafat movement.
    • Swarajists & No-changers.
    • Emergence of new forces – Socialistic ideas, youth & trade unionism.
    • Contribution by different sections:
      • Women.
      • Tribes.
      • Peasants.
      • Workers.
      • Foreigners.
      • South India.
      • North east India.
      • Princely states.
    • Revolutionary activity.
    • Simon commission & Nehru report.
    • Civil disobedience movement.
    • Round table conferences.
    • Communal award & Poona pact.
    • Participation in elections to central legislature (1934) & provincial assemblies (1937).
    • Government of India Act, 1935.
    • Towards freedom & Partition (1939-1947).
    • National movement during World War II.
    • August offer.
    • Individual satyagraha.
    • Growth of communalism..
    • Peasant movements.
    • State of people’s struggle
    • Cripps mission.
    • Quit India movement.
    • Wavell plan.
    • Subhash Chandra Bose and INA.
    • Cabinet mission.
    • Nationalist upsurge - Post-world war II.
    • Independence with partition.
  • Contributions by Governor generals.
    • Important personalities.
    • Gandhi.
    • Patel.
    • Ambedkar.
    • Nehru.
    • S C Bose
    • Tagore.
    • Ideologies and debates.


  • Partition and consequences.
    • Consolidation of:
    • Princely states..
    • Tribal areas.
  • Linguistic regionalism in India.
  • Reorganisation of states.
  • Issue of official language.
  • Regional aspirations.
    • Foreign policy.
    • Non-Aligned Movement.
    • Panchsheel principles.
    • Wars with Pakistan & China.
    • Nuclear policy.
    • Economy
    • Planned development.
    • Green revolution and its effects.
    • Operation flood & cooperatives.
    • Agrarian & land reforms.
    • Industrial reforms.
    • LPG reforms polity.
    • Polity.
    • Era of One-party dominance.
    • Emergence of opposition parties.
    • Emergency: Crisis of democratic order.
    • Rise of regional parties.
    • Coalition era.
    • Popular movements.
    • Indian women since independence.
    • Issue of women.
    • Evolution of women movement.
  • Naxalism.
    • Science and Technology.
    • India’s policy in the field of the science and technology.
    • Impact of economic reform on the science and technology in India.


    • Beginning of the modern world.
    • Renaissance.
    • Tribal areas.
    • Reformation.
    • Counter Reformation.
    • Industrial revolution.
    • American Revolution.
    • European nations settle in North America.
    • Rise of slave trade.
    • American war of independence.
    • Foundation of American colonies.
    • The independence of United States of America.
    • The American revolutionary war
    • What was the impact of American revolution?
    • US civil war.
    • Impact of civil war on USA.
    • Global impact of US civil war.
    • Impact on India.
    • French Revolution.
    • Causes.
    • The revolution in France
    • France under Napoleon.
    • Impact of revolution
    • Significance of revolution.
    • Nationalism in Europe.
    • Rise of the nation- state system.
    • Unification of Italy..
    • Unification of Germany.
    • Rise of Capitalism, Colonialism & Imperialism.
    • Colonialism.
    • The age of imperialism (1870-1914).
    • Imperialism in Asia.
    • Analysis of colonialism.
    • World War I.
    • Causes of the war.
    • Scope & course of the war.
    • Russian revolution.
      • Major events in pre-revolution Russia.
      • Causes.
      • Course of revolution.
      • Consequences.
    • Aftermath of the war.
    • Post-Lenin Russia.
    • End of the war & peace treaties.
    • League of Nations.
    • The World between the Two Wars.
    • Europe after the war..
      • Fascism & Nazism.
      • The Great depression.
      • Emergence of Soviet Union.
    • Nationalist movements in Asia & Africa.
    • US as a strong power.
    • Europe after World War II
    • Fascist aggression & response of western democracies.
    • Outbreak of the war.
    • Theatres of the war.
    • US entry into the war.
    • Global nature of the war.
    • The Holocaust.
    • Resistance movements.
    • After-effects of the war.
    • Decolonialisation & Redrawing of national boundaries.
    • World War II.
    • Cold war.
    • Rise of Asia and Africa.
    • Developments in West Asia and North Africa.
    • Spread of communism.
    • Korean war.
    • Vietnam war.
    • Cuban crisis.
    • Collapse of Soviet Union
    • Political Philosophies.
    • Communism.
    • Capitalism.
    • Socialism.
    • Approach: Concept, types & social Impacts.


    • Diversity.
    • Types:
      • Caste.
      • Linguistic.
      • Social and religious.
      • Race.
      • Tribe and ethnicity.
      • Culture.
    • Challenges posed by diversity..
    • Unity.
    • Pluralism.
    • Unity in diversity.
    • Inequality and exclusion.
    • Family system.
    • Examples of above.
    • Role of women and women’s organization.
    • Women’s organizations in Indian history.
    • Types of women’s organizations.
    • Level of penetration:
      • 19th century social reform movements and early women's organisations.
      • Agrarian struggles and revolt.
      • Participation in freedom struggle.
    • Women’s organization (with examples).
    • Problems faced by women’s organizations.
    • Role of SHGs in women empowerment.
    • Micro finance institution in women empowerment.
    • Population and associated issues.
    • Demography of India.
    • Population trends in India and their implications.
    • Causes and effects of over population.
    • Challenges of population explosion.
    • Changing age structure of Indian population.
    • Demographic dividend: boon or bane.
    • Population aging in India.
    • India's population policy & initiatives.
    • Poverty and developmental issues.
    • Concept of development and poverty.
    • Types of poverty.
    • Measurement of poverty – poverty line..
    • Causes of poverty.
    • Poverty as a social problem
    • Socio-economic spread of poverty.
    • Consequences of poverty.
    • Inequality.
    • Continuation of vicious cycle.
    • Who is worst affected by poverty?
    • Problem of rising urban poverty.
    • Policy shifts from “trickle down” economics to inclusive or pro-poor.
    • Development to reduce poverty.
    • Poverty alleviation initiatives.
    • Relation between poverty reduction and development: poverty-inequality.
    • Development nexus.
    • Urbanization.
    • Problems and remedies.
    • Trends in India and their implications.
    • Demographic and social dimensions.
    • Factors driving urbanisation.
    • State of service delivery and challenges posed by urbanisation.
    • Problems of urban areas.
    • Social consequences of urbanisation.
    • Impact of urbanisation in rural areas
    • Problems of slums.
    • Urban planning and role of urban local bodies (ULBs).
    • Reforms required and government initiatives taken so far
    • Globalization.
    • Understanding globalisation – its different dimensions.
    • Globalisation & culture.
    • Homogenisation vs. Glocalisation.
    • Factors driving globalisation
    • Globalisation & India
    • Impact of globalisation on India.
      • Socio-cultural.
      • Economic.
      • On women.
      • On Agrarian sector etc.
    • Does globalisation cause poverty?
    • Social empowerment.
    • Which are the socially disadvantaged groups?
    • Meaning and concept of social empowerment.
    • Dimensions of social empowerment.
    • Why do we need social empowerment?
    • Government initiatives to aide social empowerment.
    • Empowerment in reality and India’s experience.
    • Communalism.
    • Characteristics.
    • Communalism in India in the past.
    • Communalism in contemporary India.
    • Causes of communalism.
    • Measures to control & eradication.
    • Secularism as an antidote.
    • Regionalism.
    • Concept of region & regionalism.
    • Different forms.
    • Regionalism in India.
    • Causes.
    • Concept of 'sons of soil'.
    • Consequences.
    • Federalism & regionalism.
    • Role of regional parties.
    • Measures to prevent regionalism
    • Regionalism in the international sphere.
    • Secularism.
    • Concept of secularism.
    • Indian model of secularism.
    • Secularism in India.
    • Nature & practice of secularism in India.
    • Uniform civil code.
    • Challenges faced by secularism in India.
    • Measures to make India truly secular.


    • Geomorphology.
    • Origin & evolution of earth.
    • Interior of the earth.
    • Distribution of continents & oceans.
    • Plate tectonic theory.
    • Distribution of earthquakes & volcanoes.
    • Rocks & rock cycle.
    • Geomorphic processes – endogenic & exogenic.
    • Landforms & their evolution
    • Geological time scale.
    • Oceanography.
    • Hydrological cycle.
    • Seafloor spreading.
    • Ocean floor configuration.
    • Temperature & salinity of oceans
    • Movement of oceans.
      • Waves.
      • Tides.
      • Currents.
    • Climatology.
    • Earth’s atmosphere – composition & structure.
    • Solar radiation, heat budget & temperature
    • Atmospheric circulation & weather systems.
    • World climate (examples).
    • Soil geography.
    • Soil & soil contents.
    • Process of soil formation.
    • Soil forming factors
    • Types of soils (examples).
    • Soil erosion & conservation.
    • Key natural resources.
    • Distribution - across the world (including south asia and the indian sub-continent).
    • Types of resources.
      • On the basis of:
        • Origin.
        • Ownership.
        • Exhaustibility etc
    • Land resources.
    • Land utilisation.
    • Land use pattern.
    • Land degradation & conservation forest resources.
    • Types & distribution – grasslands, forests etc.
    • Causes of depletion.
    • Conservation of forests.
    • Water resources.
    • Marine & freshwater.
    • Water scarcity & need for conservation
    • Integrated water resources management.
    • Mineral & energy resources.
    • Classification of minerals.
      • Ferrous & non-ferrous.
      • Occurrence of minerals.
      • Conservation of minerals.
    • Classification of energy resources.
      • Conventional & non-conventional.
      • Occurrence of energy resources.
      • Conservation of energy resources.
    • Agricultural resources.
    • Types of farming.
    • Cropping patterns.
    • Contribution to economy, employment & output
    • Food security.
    • Industries
    • Factors responsible for the location industries.
    • Classification of industries.
    • Location & distribution of the industries on the basis of:
      • Raw material.
      • Labour.
      • Market.
      • Capital.
  • Distribution of major industries.
    • Important geophysical phenomena.
    • Earthquakes.
    • Tsunami.
    • Cyclone.
    • Volcanoes.
    • Approach:
      • Types.
      • Formation.
      • Locations and examples.
      • Effects and consequences.
      • Mitigation.
    • Physiography of India.
    • Drainage system.
    • Climate.
    • Soils in India.
    • Natural vegetation.
    • Human geography.
    • Demography.
    • Urbanization.
    • Census.
    • Natural vegetation.
    • Economic geography.
    • Agriculture.
    • Mineral resource.
    • Energy resources.
    • Industry.
    • Transport and communication.